Why Is 숨이멎다 So Good

1. What is the meaning of "숨멎"? - Question about Korean - HiNative

  • 23 jul 2021 · 숨이 멎다 = can't breathe. When you are very surprised or emotionally moved, you can say 숨이 멎다. 예.) 그는 숨이 멎을 듯이 아름다웠다.

  • 숨멎 (sum-meoj) Definition of 숨멎 숨이 멎다 = can't breathe. When you are very surprised or emotionally moved, you can say 숨이 멎다. 예.) 그는 숨이 멎을 듯이 아름다웠다. Or when someone die literally, you also say 숨이 멎다. (=죽다) 예.) 노인은 피를 많이 흘렸다. 이내 숨이 멎었다.

2. He took my breath away. - 숨이 멎는 < 오늘의 한마디 - 매드포스터디

  • A: 그 사람 정말 매력 있고 잘생겼더라구. 그가 내 숨(my breath)을 가져갔기 때문에(take) '숨이 멎다'라는 뜻이 된 것이죠. 여기서 away는 out처럼 일종의 강조로 보면 ...

  • 동물들에게 있어서, ‘숨’이라는 것은 정말 중요하죠 생명과 직결되어 있으니까요 그러하기에 한국말, 미국말, 중국말 할 것 없이 ‘숨’이라는 단어를 가지고 중요한 것을 많이 표현하죠… 솔직히 중국말에도 그런지 모르겠지만… 있겠죠 어떤 사람을 보면, ‘숨이 멎는 것 같을 때’가 있나요 아하 좋아하시는 군요 ___; 네 따라서 “He took my breath

3. Exo - Growl (엑소 - 으르렁) Part 1

  • 16 mrt 2014 · 숨 - the subject. -는다 is attached to the stem 멎 as simply a declaration of sorts. It is seen as a STATEMENT. I should also mention that many ...

  • Welcome to EXO's Growl song study Part 1 ! I'm really excited to do this group - their one of my favorites!   ♥ However, this song is going to be lots of work! We all know EXO has 12 members and...

4. Level 5 / Lesson 7: -ㄴ/는다면 (If) - Tumblr

  • 널 볼 땐 숨이 멎을 것만 같아. (informal) = When I look at you, feels like I'll run out of breath. 숨이 멎다 = to take one's breath away / breathtaking (I ...

  • 안녕! Hi everyone! In this Level 5 lesson, we’re going to learn another way of saying “if”: -ㄴ/는다면. This is similar to -(으)면, which we’ve learned in a past lesson, but it’s a little different. Let’s be…

5. Level 5 / Lesson 6: -ㄹ/을 때 (When...) - Tumblr

  • 널 볼 땐 숨이 멎을 것만 같아. · 숨이 멎다 = to take one's breath away / breathtaking (I believe this literally means “breath stops.”) · 보다 = to look / to see ...

  • 안녕 여러분! Hello and welcome to our next lesson! In a previous lesson, we’ve learned that attaching -(으)면 to a verb/adjective stem gives it the meaning of “if/when” something/someone does that verb or i…

6. 딱 너의 숨 만큼만 Stay as long as you can hold your breath

  • 18 jan 2021 · 거기서 삶과 죽음이 갈라진다. 죽음을 '숨이 멎다' '숨지다' '숨을 거두다'라고 표현하는 것도 숨이야말로 살아있는 힘이기 때문일 것이다. 숨을 멈춰 ...

  • Don’t be greedy. Just stay as long as you can hold your breath and then come back. (From the book My Mom Is A Haenyeo)

7. 하필 mini lesson followed by song trans - Korean School - Amino Apps

  • 12 jan 2020 · ... this one??" like UGH! lol. are songs good to learn from? it depends.... for example, this ...

  • 하필 mini lesson~ this is a negative term so its used informally "of all things~" 왜 하필 오늘이야? why t

8. He took my breath away. - 숨이 멎는 줄 알았어.

  • 그가 내 숨(my breath)을 가져갔기 때문에(take) '숨이 멎다'라는 뜻이 된 것이죠. ... A: He was just so nice and so handsome. A: 내가 그를 처음 만났을 때, 숨이 ...

  • 동물들에게 있어서, ‘숨’이라는 것은 정말 중요하죠. 생명과 직결되어 있으니까요. 그러하기에 한국말, 미국말, 중국말 할 것 없이 ‘숨’이라는 단어를 가지고 중요한 것을 많이 표현하죠… 솔직히 중국말에도 그런지 모르겠지만… 있겠죠? ㅋ 어떤 사람을 보면, ‘숨이 멎는 것 같을 때’가 있나요? 아하~ 좋아하시는 군요? ^___^; 네~ 따라서 “He took my breath away”라고 하면, 말 그대로 “숨이 멎다”, 좀 약하게 말하면, “숨 멎는 줄 알았다” 이렇게 되겠죠. A: When I met him for the first time, he took my breath away! B: What was it about him that swept you away? A: He was just so nice and so handsome. A: 내가 그를 처음 만났을 때, 숨이 멎는 느낌이었어! B: 어떤 점에서 그렇게 끌렸는데? A: 그 사람 정말 매력 있고 잘생겼더라구. 그가 내 숨(my breath)을 가져갔기 때문에(take) ‘숨이 멎다’라는 뜻이 된 것이죠. 여기서 away는 out처럼 일종의 강조로 보면 이해가 쉬워요. take (가져가다) -> take away (가져가버리다) go (가다) -> go away (가버리다) swallow (삼키다) -> swallow out (삼켜버리다) 자~ 우리가 맞이하게 될 ‘오늘’은 어제의 ‘오늘’이 아닙니다. 숨 멎을 만큼 멋진 인연을 만나러 가보자구요!

9. 숨이 막히다 と 숨이 멎다 、 日本語の「息が詰まる」のニュアンスを ...

  • 1. The US gourvment trys evacuating homeless people from the street since the next Olympics is ha... Does this dialogue sound natural? M: These days, it's great ...

  • Question

10. K pop - Little star Sung by 스탠딩 에그

  • 28 sep 2021 · 처음 너를 만났을 땐 정말 눈이 부셨어 You were really shiny when I first met you ... 숨이 멎다 stop breathing ...ㄹ 것 같아 I think..., It seems ...

  • K pop - Little star Sung by 스탠딩 에그

11. FL | Hanguk Babble - WordPress.com

  • ... 이 A person, a man/woman 32 A 2 말하다 Speak 33 B 2 위하다 To do for the sake ... Well, I guess that, is extremely..... 9260 B 3 엊그제 The day before ...

  • Hanguk Babble >> Reference >> Vocab >> 6000 Most Frequent Korean Words  >> Frequency List – Full – Plain Text The plain text list has the difficulty levels of th…

12. Listen to Fluent Fiction - Korean podcast - Deezer

  • ... 이 붉어지고 숨을 가쁘게 쉬기 시작했다.En: However, that day, after drinking ... "En: I'm relieved that you responded so well."Ko: 사과의 의미로, 지호는 ...

  • all episodes in one place

13. 스트릿건즈 - 꽃이 져서야 봄인 줄 알았네

  • I'm a fan of this group, Street Guns, as it's a great example of a hard to find genre in Korean music, rockabilly, or kimchibilly.

  • This is a home made korean grammar textbook for learners of Korean of any level. This can be useful for beginners to get an idea of what grammar is out there, to more advanced students that can treat it as a hyperlinked reference book. This guide is also made with an eye towards helping students who have studied japanese in the past and to help them easily make connections between similar grammar rules.

14. [비즈니스 유머] 데이브와 메이블 - 한국경제

  • 29 apr 2010 · 너희 집 암소잖아." △adjoining:인접한 △spy:~에 시선이 멎다 △prize bull:종우 △sigh in contentment:만족스러워 숨을 길게 몰아쉬다. △idyllic ...

  • [비즈니스 유머] 데이브와 메이블, 경제

15. [PDF] [정답]뉴텝스 실력편(400+)청해 PDF.pdf

  • You don't look so good. W I feel terrible. My sister had the flu last ... get in shape 몸을 만들다 avid 열심인 out of breath 숨이 가쁜 a piece of cake ...

Why Is 숨이멎다 So Good


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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.