Courses of Study Help - Cornell University (2025)


Courses of Study 2024-2025

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  • Catalog Codes and Definitions
  • Searching the Courses of Study
  • “On Demand” Courses
  • Using the My Favorites Tool
  • Contact Information

Catalog Codes and Definitions

General Definitions

[ ]Brackets are used at the beginning and end of a course title if the course is not going to be offered within the current catalog year.
CrosslistedCourses offered by multiple departments where the content and level are the same. Classes meet together.
Co-meetingCourses which are similar in content, but offered at different levels (ex. undergraduate and graduate level). Classes meet together.

Course Numbering and Subject Codes

Learn more about Course Numbering and Subject Codes.

Course Attributes

Please note: Course Attributes with “CU” prefix are first searchable in the 2015-16 catalog.Course Attributes with “EC” prefix are first searchable in the 2020-21 catalog.

CU-CELCommunity-Engaged Learning Courses:

A course that includes an organized community-engaged activity outside the context of the classroom (all of the following):

  • Address a specific community interest, problem or public concern;
  • Include working with and learning from a community partner;
  • Connect and integrate community-engaged experiences with educational content; and
  • Include structured, documented critical reflection.
CU-ITLInternational Study Courses:

Courses that possess one or more of the following attributes:

  • Addresses an international or transnational theme, or uses an international comparative approach*, as a principal objective of the course.
  • Incorporates a critical global perspective as a significant part of the course (e.g., as an organizing theme, a key unit or module, or a major feature of the course).
  • Facilitates cross-cultural competence and understandingthrough incorporating student reflection and/or other pedagogical strategies, employed in an international context.
  • Is conducted, at least in part, outside the U.S.
  • Foreign language education courses.

    *International comparative approaches involve making comparisons and contrasts across two or more cultures, societies, or nations to identify similarities or differences that are generalizable or that lead to greater understanding and awareness (Hantrais, 1995).

CU-SBYSustainability Courses:
  • A sustainability course has the primary and explicit focus on sustainability as an integrated concept having social, economic, and environmental dimensions and/or on understanding or solving one or more major sustainability challenge.
  • A course that includes sustainability is primarily focused on a topic other than sustainability but incorporates a unit or module on sustainability or a sustainability challenge, includes one or more sustainability-focused activities, or integrates sustainability issues throughout the course. Sustainability should be handled as an integrated concept having social, economic, and environmental dimensions.
CU-UGRUndergraduate Research Courses:

Semester-long for-credit courses that are overseen and graded by a Cornell faculty member AND meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Independent, not classroom-based.
  • Project-based (working on a short or long-term project with a particular outcome).
  • Includes for-credit project team experiences (e.g., Engineering project teams, non-classroom-based capstone projects).

    Note: Research may be supervised by individuals in an academic position serving as a PI, co-PI or Project director as outlined by , excluding undergraduates.

EC-LASPEinaudi Center-Latin American Studies Program Courses:

ALatin American Program course that has a significant and explicit focus on Latin America (including South America, Central America, and the Caribbean), comprising at least 25% of regular course materials. These courses fulfill requirements for a Latin American studies course for students with a minor in Latin American Studies. This does not include Latin American language courses, which are listed under their respective subject codes.

EC-SAPEinaudi Center-South Asia Program Courses:

ASouth Asia Program course that has a significant and explicit focus on South Asia (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Bhutan, and Afghanistan), comprising at least 25% of regular course materials. These courses fulfill requirements for a South Asia area studies course for students with a Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) fellowship. This does not include South Asian language courses, which are listed under their respective subject codes.

EC-SEAPEinaudi Center-Southeast Asia Program Courses:

ASoutheast Asia Program course that has a significant and explicit focus on Southeast Asia (Brunei, Myanmar [Burma], Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam), comprising at least 25% of regular course materials. These courses fulfill requirements for a Southeast Asia area studies course for students with a Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) fellowship. This does not include Southeast Asian language courses, which are listed under their respective subject codes.

Distribution Requirements

Learn more about Distribution Requirement Codesin the Schools and Colleges.

“On Demand” Courses

Courses which may be scheduled if there is sufficient student interest. Courses are offered at the discretion of the department and/or college.

Searching the Courses of Study

The Courses of Study search (top-left of navigation bar) allows quick retrieval of catalog and course information. Enter a search keyword or phrase and click on the magnifying glass.

Using the Advanced Search Tool

Refine your search by selecting only the check boxes for the types of data you wish to search. Check the Find Whole Word or Phrase Only check box to search for an exact match for a keyword or phrase.

Click the Show Prefix List link to display a list of all course prefixes available in the Courses of Study. You may enter a keyword phrase that includes a course prefix and code (e.g. “ENGL 1270”) to better locate a specific course.

Searching for Distributionand Attribute Codes

To search for one or more of these codes, enter the specific code (e.g. ALC-AS, KCM-AGor CU-ITL) into the Search box and check the Find Whole Word or Phrase Only check box. Please note: Attributes are first searchable in the 2015-2016 catalog.

Using the Advanced Search feature allows for greater search refinement. For example, enter “ALC-AS and Anthro” into the Advanced Search box, then only check the courses checkbox to limit your search to all courses that meet theArts, Literature, and Culturerequirement in the Department of Anthropology or that are cross-listed with Anthropology.

Important! When reviewing search results, make sure the selected course has the requested code. Search results may return other letter combinations that do not constitute course codes, or other linked courses that do not meet the criteria for a specific code. Graduate-level courses that co-meet with a distribution course do not apply.

Retaining Your Search Information

Any user, including prospective and current students, faculty and staff, can save information found through searches or general navigation using theMy Favorites tool.

Using the My Favorites Tool

To create a My Favorites account, choose My Favorites from the left hand navigation and click on the Create Account link. Enter a valid e-mail address and a password, and click the Create Account button to create the account.

Adding and Removing Items

To add items, click the Add to Favorites link next to the item in which you are interested. This will open a new popup window that displays all items currently in your Favorites.

You may remove items from your Favorites by selecting the checkboxes next to them and clicking the Remove button.

Please note: Items suffixed with the text [From Previous Courses of Study] are bookmarked from older, archived catalogs.

Edit Your My Favorites Profile

Edit My Favorites account information by logging into your account and clicking on the Edit Profile link at the top right.

You may change your account login by entering a new e-mail address and clicking the Send button.

To change your password, click on the Change Password link. A pop up window will prompt you for a new password. Enter a new password and confirmation and click the Reset button. When you are finished, you may close the pop up window.

Contact Information

The Courses of Study is published by the Office of the University Registrar. Contact us with questions or feedback

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Courses of Study Help - Cornell University (2025)


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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.